Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The families begin

Well, I've had a great response from people looking for a portrait of their family for their Christmas cards and have quite the line up in the next couple of weeks. Here are two families...the first I shot at Maclay Gardens here in Tallahassee...and felt affirmed a little that I know good lighting and location. I counted at least 4 other photographers there! It is just a great time of day and very scenic. This sweet little girl brought the "love" sign on her own and was excited about holding it in some of the pictures. Love to see those creative ideas from kids. Thanks Eva and Mia!
The second family I shot at Mission San Luis. They are family friends and were cracking me up. When I photograph friends it can sometimes become a party and I forget what I'm doing. But I managed to hold the camera still even though giggling. I love the scenery there and the house in the background of one of them. I will take photos there again I'm sure. They were actually closed but had accidentally left the gate open and we were run off by some enthusiastic actors from the mission. They were a little freaky but it was worth it. We drove to the stadium at FSU to finish up and have some fun.

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